About NovelArt
State of NovelArt.org

About NovelArt
NovelArt is the continuum network. The name NovelArt is an offspring of the precursor, but comes also out of the original thought and ambition to present and put together a new and different network of arts and artists. Our goal is to establish a network; open up for new cooperations, building bridges and open up for networking. NovelArt also serves as a display-window for it's members and their work.
Our basic foundation is to present a creative and organically growing network of artists. Additionally the network is created to present new and novel opportunities, as well as enable cooperations between the participating artists. One cornerstone of this network is to make possible new projects and collaborations that perhaps otherwise would never occur.
The basic intention and original reason for founding a network like this (and it's predecessor) in the first place, is the fundamental belief that the whole is bigger than the sum of it's parts.
NovelArt is an independent international artist network. The network is intended for all different types of artist, not only in art or music - but for all sorts of artistic achievements.
NovelArt.org arised out of the ashes from a previous artist network, that went down under some ambiguous circumstances. But as we all know, you can't keep a good idea down - at least not for long.
For further ponderings please refer below to our Privacy Policy and Terms of use.
The founder of NovelArt.org is the Eternal Ministry of Art & Jump.