Kicki von Hankell
State of NovelArt.org
Kicki von Hankell
In short Kicki is a multi-artist with creativity as her leading principle. She is an explorer of the existence, over and over again.
Kicki von Hankell is a graphic designer and drawer. She has worked with etchings, copper plates, handmade papers, watercolor and oil paintings. She is also a Mail-Art artist and has dealt with as well conceptual art as Land Art.
She has studied Art History and Ancient Egypt at Lund University. And has also many years studies behind her at Gerlesborg School of Art in Bohuslan Sweden, where she also worked as a teacher. Kicki has also worked at the Swedish Television for more than 20 years. Her basic commission then was computer graphics, video graphics, animations, drawings and film.
She has made extensive travelling to many countries (like South America and Egypt) where she has been exploring and looking for old civilizations and myths. She can also put travel guide, photographer and humanistic explorer on her business card.

Image: A recent painting of Kickis for the art-fair Konstrundan 2009. "The Phoenix".